Youth Ministries

We strongly believe in providing our youth opportunities to connect with God, as well as providing our growing families with a resource for connecting with God in traditional and non-traditional ways.

Connecting Youth with God

All families of Bethel are welcome to participate in our family activities – the fun is not just for kids! Our youth groups go by the name of BYG which just stands for Bethel Youth Group. Contact Jen Bueter ( if you would like to be added to the youth announcements email list.

Thursday Youth Nights

From 6-7:30pm on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays though the school year children in kindergarten through 12th grades meet for lessons, games, and dinner. Children are divided by age group for lessons, discussions and crafts then come together for a family style dinner.

Volunteer & Mission

Each year our oldest group of youth are invited to travel with leaders on a weeklong mission trip. Past mission trips have been to the National ELCA Youth Gathering, Tau House in Cincinnati and Give Kids the World in Florida. Youth also volunteer within the congregation helping with the annual Christmas Adopt-A-Family shopping, Faith Mission meals and with the Mid-Ohio Food Bank in Grove City.